Essuubiryo Zambogo Sacco Ltd was started in 2011 as the official Sacco of the Buganda kingdom with an aim of setting up a people owned financial Institution that would instill a saving culture among Kabaka’s subjects.

The Institution was registered on 04th May 2015 by Ministry of Co-operatives and licensed to sell shares to its members, collect members’ savings and extending credit to its members. Its Certificate number is 10675/RCS. The membership is well distributed all over the entire central region.


To build a Buganda kingdom people owned financial institution.


To provide relatively cheaper financial services to the people of Buganda and Uganda at large.


  • To establish a Buganda kingdom owned financial institution.
  • To encourage the people of Buganda and Uganda at large to develop a culture of saving.
  • To support youth and women developmental projects.
  • To encourage togetherness within the members of the Sacco.
  • To offer relatively cheaper loan facilities to the Sacco members.


Each share is at SHS 10,000. A member can buy any amount of shares as long as the number does not exceed 60,000 shares.


We extend the following services to our members;

  1. Sale of shares
  2. Savings deposits
  3. Extend loans to members